The MS Society Preston Group is looking for volunteers to help local people affected by Multiple Sclerosis.
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a neurological condition that occurs when the immune system isn’t working properly. While the immune system normally protects you by fighting off infections, in MS it attacks the central nervous system by mistake, leading to varying degrees of disability.
The MS Society Preston Group is funded entirely by voluntary contributions and its work is carried out by unpaid volunteers who have experience of the condition.
The MS Society Preston Group can also offer subsidised services including home physiotherapy, confidential talking therapy, Pilates, podiatry, and advice and guidance with forms, mandatory reconsiderations and appeals.
A spokesperson for the group said: “We are looking for new volunteers to come forward. We have openings for a finance volunteer, newsletter editor, events organiser, or you could train to support people when they really need it.
“We are a friendly, supportive group who will provide training for whatever you choose to do and be assured, it will make a difference.”
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The group is also looking for people and businesses who can help in other ways.
“We are looking to place collection tins in local shops and businesses, so if you would be willing to accommodate a tin please get in touch. Small change can make a big difference in helping local people.
“We can also provide literature and promotional materials to people who want to host a coffee morning, dress down day, or another type of fundraiser.”
For more information or to get involved, email or call 0300 323 9979.
If you are affected by MS, visit the MS Society – Preston Group Facebook page for information on activities, exercise programmes and other help on offer.
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Are you affected by MS? Do you volunteer for any local causes? Let us know in the comments.