
Fulwood resident on a one-woman mission to keep Preston tidy

Posted on - 12th January, 2020 - 7:00pm | Author - | Posted in - Fulwood, People, Preston News
Janet Stocks
Janet picking up litter during the winter months

We all have our little annoyances or things that we find to be a nuisance. Sometimes they bother us enough that we’ll do something about them but often we just ignore them and move on.

One woman from Fulwood chose not to overlook the rubbish in her area.

As a birdwatcher, Janet Stocks does a lot of walking. She hated seeing so much rubbish left by workers from the industrial area and decided to start picking up the litter herself.

Janet said: “It is all so bad for the creatures that live there and the environment as a whole. My friend Linda Donaldson picks litter on Moor Park and she told me to contact the council to get the equipment I’d need.”

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Janet started clearing the area last March and covers Midgery Lane and the industrial area. As she has now retired, Janet tries to get out as much as she can and will occasionally also walk along Eastway and the Sharoe Green Lane area.

However, she is restricted by the amount she can carry.

She said: “I’m not surprised but saddened that people have no pride in the area they work or live. They usually leave food or drink related items such as empty food bags and cartons, plastic cutlery, tinfoil from sandwiches and plastic drinks bottles, coffee cups and canned/glasses bottled drinks.

“There are a few disgusting things sometimes too! Endless cigarette packs and dog ends. Litter is thrown from cars along Eastway, and plenty of stuff blows around from the factory places too.”

Janet litter picking during warmer times
Janet litter picking during warmer times

Once collected, Janet will put some of the rubbish into the public bins or take the bags home and put them in her own black bin.

Janet said: “Unless someone patrols and fines people or finds a way to shame them into taking more pride then I doubt much can help. Even more bins probably wouldn’t be the answer since some litter is thrown close to bins.

“It’s really time people took responsibility for their own rubbish. It’s hardly heavy and there are bins that rubbish could easily be carried to. It’s the mentality that it’s always someone else’s responsibility that annoys me.”

When asked if she had any positive experiences while walking Janet said: “I am often stopped while out and thanked by people, which is nice.

“If just one or two people litter picked a small area then we could all make Fulwood a more pleasant place to call home.

“If anyone is interested, get in touch with the Preston County Council Refuse Department, and they will point you in the right direction.”

Read more: Proud Preston: How our city supported charities in 2019

What do you think of Janet’s efforts? Is litter an issue where you live? Let us know in the comments.

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