Ticket-holders for shows at Preston Guild Hall who paid by cash have been told they may not get their money back.
Simon Rigby mothballed the venue and called in the administrators earlier in June.
Now The Business Debt Advisor, Beverley Ellice Budsworth, has released information for those with tickets to see events at the Guild Hall.
For shows which have been cancelled she says there is a possibility those who paid by cash won’t get their money back.
Read more: Simon Rigby says ‘refunds are in the pipeline’
She said: “If you have paid for tickets by cash for shows which will not go ahead, it is possible that you will not be able to get your money back. However, you can make a claim for what is owed to you by registering as a creditor.”
Anyone wanting to make a claim can download and complete a proof of debt form and email to prestonguildhall@thedebtadvisor.co.uk or post it to The Business Debt Advisor, Trafford House, Chester Road, Old Trafford, Manchester, M32 0RS
Anyone who paid by credit or debit card is being told to contact their card issuer to try and obtain a refund.
Read more: The Guild Hall had warning signs, but does it now present an opportunity for the city?
Mr Rigby and the administrators say they want to get the Guild Hall operational as quickly as possible so future shows, which have not been cancelled, are hoped to still go ahead.