The landlord of a Preston bowling alley which has fallen into administration is hoping to bring it back.
MFA Bowl has gone into administration with 12 bowling alleys across the UK closing during Monday (25 February) with the Preston alley in Greenbank Street amongst them.
But a statement released says it is due to re-open by the weekend.
Administrators Duff and Phelps were called in to handle the business during Monday.
Part of the MFA management team Clare Bent told Blog Preston: “We are hoping to reopen this week under new ownership.
“All staff will be paid on Friday as normal including outstanding holiday pay, overtime and a weeks stuatory notice. They are all aware of this.
“They will all mostly have jobs to return to however some cuts will need to be made.
“Some of us have families and children and we are not worried. MFA will surface again, watch this space.”
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Clare confirmed the landlord of the building in Greenbank Street was wanting to take on the business and was in the process of the purchase.