Preston has been chosen to be a training venue for the Rugby League World Cup 2021.
The tournament, which takes place in October and November 2021, will see England welcome world-class athletes performing on rugby league’s biggest stage.
Read more: Preston competes to be Rugby League World Cup training camp
Preston City Council and partners, including the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) and the Preston Marriott, have combined forces to produce a successful bid for Preston to be a training base for the tournament, which will be held in October and November 2021.
Chief Executive of Rugby League World Cup 2021, Jon Dutton said,
“Preston City Council along with the University of Central Lancashire and its partners put together an incredibly impressive bid to be a training base during the tournament.
“The facilities on offer for the teams is fantastic and it’s great to know that the teams will have everything at their disposal to support their performance and make this the best Rugby League World Cup ever.”
The RLWC2013 set new records for economic impact and media reach that organisers predict will be smashed again at England 2021.
Mayor of Preston, Councillor Trevor Hart said: “We are incredibly proud to have been chosen as a host city for a Rugby League World Cup 2021 training camp.
“Preston is perfectly located for fans and teams to access game locations across England, and has a proven track record with hosting international teams, thanks to the University of Central Lancashire’s state of the art facilities.
“This is a great opportunity for the city and we hope that Prestonians – current and future rugby fans alike – embrace our role in the Rugby League World Cup 2021!”
The international tournament will open in Newcastle with matches taking places across England.
Eighty percent of matches will take place in the North of England.
Liverpool will host matches in the men’s, women’s, and wheelchair tournaments and is the only city to host matches in all three categories.
Matches will also be held in St Helen’s, Warrington and Leigh.
The RLWC 2021 will close at Old Trafford, Manchester, putting the North West at the heart of the tournament.
Councillor Peter Kelly, Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure Services for Preston City Council said: “This is fantastic news for Preston. The opportunity to be involved in such a high profile sporting event is a real coup for the city and demonstrates its potential for engaging in sports on a world stage.
“Whether already a Rugby League fan, or yet to see your first match, I hope you embrace the chance to see world-class athletes in Preston and enjoy the whole Rugby League World Cup 2021 experience.”
Read more: Rugby League World Cup Trophy coming to Preston
Dr Adrian Ibbetson, Head of the School of Sport and Wellbeing and Director of Sport at UCLan, said: “We are thrilled to once again play a vital role in the Rugby League World Cup. UCLan Sports Arena boasts professional facilities for teams to prepare for some of the biggest games of their careers.
“It was a host training venue for the last Rugby League World Cup on home soil in 2013, welcoming both Ireland and Fiji, and I’m sure that whoever we host in 2021 will excite and inspire the local community to really feel a part of this international sporting event.”
Ed White, Multi-Property General Manager for Marriott Hotels International said: “We are delighted to support the city by participating in this partnership that is bringing the Rugby League World Cup 2021 to Preston.
“Preston Marriott Hotel is located just outside the City in 11 acres of beautiful countryside and offers customers a perfect base to explore and enjoy comfortable accommodation, extensive leisure facilities and a range of food and drink outlets.
“We are so proud to be playing an active role in this exciting venture.”