
Golden Way in Penwortham was gritted say county council

Posted on - 23rd January, 2019 - 12:04pm | Author - | Posted in - Penwortham, Preston News, Roads, Transport
Snow settling on the carriageway in Penwortham Pic: Blog Preston
Snow settling on the carriageway in Penwortham Pic: Blog Preston

Claims a major road in Penwortham was left ungritted have been refuted by Lancashire County Council.

Irate drivers contacted Blog Preston claiming Golden Way and sections of the A582 had not been treated.

Pictures sent show snow settling on the carriageway around 10pm on Tuesday (22 January) as a blanket of snow fell on parts of the city.

Hollie Newton said: “These roads have not been gritted for some unknown reason and will be a possible death trap in the morning.”

A second section of the A582 Pic: Blog Preston
A second section of the A582 Pic: Blog Preston

A spokesman for the county council explained the road had been gritted.

He said: “The A582 is a priority route and was gritted a number of times yesterday. One of the treatments was around 7pm, so it had been treated quite recently if your picture was taken at 10pm.

“A road can be white if snow is falling, or slushy/icy even if it has been gritted as it takes the action of traffic to mix the salt with the ice/snow to melt it, so a picture showing snow on a road doesn’t mean that it hasn’t been gritted.”

Read more: Dog walker attached in Penwortham by group of off-road motorbikers

The county council’s gritting team is continuing to treat all priority routes in the city, and is now moving onto secondary routes during Wednesday afternoon.

An ice warning from the Met Office is in force for Preston through until 11am on Thursday (24 January).

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