
Driver in hospital after car crashes through wall of Morrisons in Bamber Bridge

Posted on - 24th January, 2019 - 5:17pm | Author - | Posted in - Bamber Bridge, Preston News, Roads, Transport

A driver has been treated by paramedics after a car went through the wall of a supermarket in Bamber Bridge.

Emergency services were called to Morrisons in Station Road.

During Thursday (24 January) afternoon a driver lost control and went into the wall of the supermarket.

Onlookers told Blog Preston the car ended up inside the supermarket, which had to be closed during the incident and shoppers evacuated.

The crash took place around 4.17pm.

Shoppers evacuated from Morrisons and emergency services Pic: Blog Preston
Shoppers evacuated from Morrisons and emergency services Pic: Blog Preston

A spokeswoman for Preston Police told Blog Preston: “We were called to reports a car had collided with a wall at Morrisons.

“A woman, the driver of the car, has been taken to Royal Preston Hospital.”

The damage to the Morrisons store Pic: Blog Preston
The damage to the Morrisons store Pic: Blog Preston

A spokesman for Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service said: “We responded to the 999 call reporting that a casualty remained in the car and that a wall looked close to collapse.

“The casualty was not trapped in the car and was led to safety by firefighters and she was taken to hospital.”

Part of the car park remained cordoned off throughout Thursday evening.

The Morrisons car park Pic: Shane King/Blog Preston
The Morrisons car park Pic: Shane King/Blog Preston

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