A homeowner at a new-build estate in Cottam has spoken out after his car was targeted by a would-be thief.
Jack Hough, in Fallow Avenue, Cottam, released CCTV pictures to Blog Preston.
He said around 3am on Wednesday (9 January) his car and others on the street were targeted.
A second homeowner has come forward to Blog Preston and confirmed her car was broken into during the early hours of Wednesday morning.
Jack said: “You can see him checking the car and garage doors.
“We couldn’t make out his face. I couldn’t sleep for an hour after seeing the footage.
“There’s a van seen driving down the street five minutes before the guy is seen on my drive.
“We’re speaking with neighbours to see if anyone else got a shot of him.”
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The incident has been reported to Preston Police and anyone with information is asked to call police on 101 quoting log number LC-20190109-0276.