A swathe of land which runs alongside Broughton’s new bypass looks set to become housing.
Gladman Homes have applied to build 95 new homes on the northern side of the village near the roundabout with Garstang Road.
The semi-circular site would according to the developers ‘make a significant contribution’ to addressing the amount of homes the city needs to build in the next five years.
Preston City Council has seen a rapid increase in submissions from developers to build homes in the wake of it not being able to demonstrate it can meet the amount of new homes needing to be built in the next few years.
The site, along the old A6, is 4.39 hectares and is subject to an outline planning application.
Developers are keen to point out the land falls outside of the recently voted through Broughton Neighbourhood Plan.
Read more: Amended plans for Broughton crossroads retirement complex
Full plans can be seen on the city council website.
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