White Ribbons will be on show at County Hall and the Harris Library from Sunday 25 November to support the White Ribbon Campaign.
The White Ribbon Campaign is an international initiative established by men to end all forms of violence against women and girls.
The White Ribbon flag will fly above County Hall from Sunday 25 November, International White Ribbon Day, to mark the beginning of the 16 days of action to help to end gender-based violence.
Lancashire was the first White Ribbon county in 2017 when all public sector organisations, including the police, council and several health organisations signed up to support the campaign, to raise awareness of gender based violence.
Read more: White ribbon flag flying from County Hall in Preston
Pop up banners, pledge forms for people to sign in support of White Ribbon, information about the campaign and free White Ribbon badges will be available in the library and at the Bow Lane and Pitt Street receptions at County Hall.
The ribbons and information will also be on display at libraries across the county.
County Councillor Peter Buckley, cabinet member for libraries and community services, said: “White Ribbon is a very important campaign and we’d urge everyone to support it.
“Violence against women can come in all forms whether it’s domestic abuse or attacks on the street. Men and boys have a crucial role to play in creating a culture where male violence, abuse and harassment against women and girls are seen as unacceptable.
“Displaying the White Ribbon is a clear sign that we won’t stand for any type of violence or abuse against women.
“We hope the White Ribbons at county council buildings and libraries will help spread the important message and encourage everyone to take a stand against gender based violence in their workplaces, schools, communities and families to help transform the lives of women and girls affected by violence.”
In 2017, Lancashire became the first White Ribbon accredited county in the country showing the commitment Lancashire County Council, The Office of the Lancashire Police and Crime commissioner, unitary councils and other public sector bodies make in supporting the campaign.
Read more: See the latest news about charities and campaigns in Preston
For more information, visit the White Ribbon website.