
Baluga Bar and Club applies to extend its opening hours until 6am

Posted on - 2nd November, 2018 - 7:00pm | Author - | Posted in - Business, Nightlife & Entertainment, Preston City Centre, Preston News
Baluga will be open for an additional night a week
Baluga has applied for a variation of its premises licence

One of Preston’s most popular nightclubs could undergo some significant changes.

Baluga Bar and Club is seeking to make a number of tweaks, one of which could see them open until 6am on some nights.

Owners of the club at Miller Arcade have applied for a variation to its premises licence, including extending its opening hours on certain days.

Downtown Food and Drink applied to Preston City Council for the changes and a notice was placed in the window revealing the proposed variations.

Read more: Plau Gin & Beer House finally on verge of completion

Variations include changing the layout of the premises by incorporating the food outlet on the ground floor and increased area in the basement, the removal of a large number of licence conditions, introduce a ‘Challenge 25’ age verification condition and allowing the off sales of alcohol.

They have also applied for an additional two hours of trading, from 4am to 6am, on a number of specified special days and two Saturdays per month.

Any interested party or responsible authority can make representations in connection with the application to Preston City Council before 22 November 2018.

These must be made in writing via postal or email and sent to Preston City Council Licensing Services at Town Hall.

What do you think about the premises licence? Have you visited Baluga Bar recently? Let us know in the comments below

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