
Preston city centre bus shelters are being updated to make them more visible

Posted on - 8th October, 2018 - 7:00am | Author - | Posted in - Politics, Preston City Centre, Preston News

City centre bus shelters are being updated to make them more visible to partially-sighted people.

The update comes after Rick Moore, a partially sighted man, injured his leg on Church Street’s bus shelter.

Rick complained to Lancashire County Council and following the incident being reported on Blog Preston he was asked to come to a meeting with the county council.

The shelters originally had a series of grey dots on glass panels.

Now they will have more visible markings with high contrasting orange and black dots, as well as fluorescent paint on the upright posts and on the seats.

Read more: New bus lane planned for Broughton

Rick Moore said: “I am pleased that I was able to bring this to the attention of LCC. They have acted quickly and were in full agreement that the previous versions did not consider the people of Preston with sight loss or those with poor eyesight due to age or health.

“I’m very pleased with the response and am proud to have helped make Preston more inclusive.”

Head of service for public and integrated transport at the county council Oliver Starkey said: “We’ve looked carefully at previous incidents which were reported to us, and how we could stop something similar from happening again. We don’t want anyone to be injured while getting a bus.

“We always consider suggestions and complaints, to look at how we could improve things.

“These bus shelters met the relevant requirements, but we decided to go further. We’re making the glass panels more visible and other related adjustments, which will particularly assist people with visual impairments.

“We’ve already adjusted one of the shelters on Church Street, and other shelters along Church Street and Fishergate will be improved in the same way.”

Read more: Fishergate’s iconic clock is now ticking again

If you are affected by sight loss then you can call the RNIB Helpline on 0303 123 9999 for advice and support or visit the website.

What do you think about the revised bus shelters? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below

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