
Lancashire County Council reach decision on halal meat in schools

Posted on - 18th October, 2018 - 8:17pm | Author - | Posted in - Politics, Preston News, Schools
Any chicken will need to be stunned halal
Any chicken will need to be stunned halal

Schools in Preston and Lancashire which use halal meat must now ensure it is stunned halal.

County councillors met on Thursday (18 October) afternoon to discuss the issue of unstunned halal meat being used.

It followed a consultation by Lancashire County Council which ran for four weeks in February and March earlier this year asking schools and parents for their views.

Lancashire Council of Mosques has been consulted on the proposals – they had raised concerns about the plans.

49 county councillors voted in favour of the stunned halal motion, with 23 against and nine abstaining.

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At the moment halal meat is supplied to 27 schools by the county council’s catering services where there is a demand for it from the Muslim community and where the headteacher or governing body has requested it.

Halal meat is only offered to students whose parents have requested it.

Leader of the county council Geoff Driver said: “Given the strength of feeling on both sides of the debate it was important that all councillors got the opportunity to consider this issue.

“Today’s decision to ban the provision of meat from animals that were not stunned before they were slaughtered is purely an animal welfare issue. There is no other motivation.

“The county council will now work with the Lancashire Council of Mosques to mitigate against any unwanted and unwarranted consequences of this decision.”

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