
New housing estate plan for Lightfoot Lane due for approval

Posted on - 28th October, 2018 - 7:00am | Author - | Posted in - Fulwood, Greyfriars, Housing, Preston News, Redevelopment
The area to the left of Lightfoot Lane is where the proposed new junction would be Pic: Google
The area to the left of Lightfoot Lane is where the proposed new junction would be Pic: Google

A controversial set of plans for new homes in Fulwood look set to be approved.

Councillors are to discuss the plans for demolishing Hope Villa and building 61 new homes behind it.

Westchurch Homes would create a new T-junction and access road for the homes close to the Brook Meadow junction.

21 letters of objection have been received by Preston City Council against the plans.

Homeowners say there’s a flood risk from the site, an increase in traffic and is not in keeping with the ‘garden city’ plan for the North West of the city.

Woodplumpton Parish Council have branded it a ‘piecemeal’ development and says the impact on traffic would be too great.

Lancashire County Council’s say a contribution of £283,559 is needed to fund 18 primary school places.

Read more: See all the latest news and headlines for Fulwood

Planning consultants Maybern said when plans were lodged in July said: “The development, as proposed, is sustainable and will help deliver the new homes needed to meet identified local housing need, and in particular the delivery of 61 no homes of which 18no are affordable homes, helping address a key economic and social priority for the government and Preston City Council.”

Planning officers have recommended the proposals for approval – subject to a Section 106 agreement with the developers.

They write: “Whilst objections have been received in relation to the proposed development, the application site is located within the North West Preston Strategic Location and as such the principle of housing development on the site is considered acceptable.

“Furthermore, given the scale of the development and set within the context of the nature of the extant planning permissions surrounding the site, it is not considered that the proposal would detrimentally impact on highway safety, including the safe and convenient operation of the Guild Wheel Cycle Route.

“The proposed development is therefore considered to be acceptable, contributing to the Council’s five year supply of deliverable housing land, and would not have any unacceptable adverse impacts on amenity or ground conditions.

“Subject to no objections from ecology and drainage consultees, the proposal would be acceptable in terms of its impact on protected species, drainage and flood risk.”

Read more: Harris Park orphanage site is up for sale

Councillors will meet on Thursday (1 November) to consider the plans.

Do you live in the area? What do you think of the proposals? Let us know in the comments below

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