The gritters will be out across Preston again this evening (October 29) as the cold weather continues.
Lancashire County Council last week commenced gritting operations for the first time this Autumn and Winter.
A statement on the Lancashire County Council website said: “All priority routes in Central & South Lancashire to be gritted again this evening.
“We have weather predictions of frost and temperatures reaching minus 1.5 deg C overnight, with a risk of showers in the early morning. We will apply salt to all priority routes.”
However, drivers are advised to take care despite these safeguarding measures.
More: Bonfire night displays in and around Preston
The statement adds: “Priority routes only cover a third of the highway network and ice patches can develop on treated surfaces caused by water run-off from fields or other sources. Ice is most likely on untreated surfaces.”
Temperatures are expected to rise a little later in the week as Bonfire Night approaches.
You can see exactly which routes will be gritted on the county council website.