
Former BHS store in Preston won’t be boarded up yet

Posted on - 25th October, 2018 - 6:46pm | Author - | Posted in - Politics, Preston City Centre, Preston Council, Preston News
Former BHS site in Fishergate

A former flagship store in Preston’s high street will not be boarded up yet – due to a legal cock up.

Preston City Council had moved to order Freemont Limited to board up what was the BHS store in Fishergate.

A deadline of Monday 22 October had been set for the work to be carried out and there was the possibility for a one-week extension.

It has now emerged that the legal notice ordering the securing of the site was served on the wrong company by the liquidator.

Cabinet member for planning and regulation councillor Peter Moss said: “We are incredibly disappointed to say that we have been advised that Duff and Phelps Ltd, the liquidators appointed by the former property leaseholders, to deal with the former BHS site in Preston City Centre, have issued the Notice of Disclaimer to the wrong company.

“Unfortunately this means that we are unable to proceed with any enforcement until the matter is resolved.

“We have taken robust action to deal with this matter and are now pursuing Duff and Phelps Ltd. to correct the situation as a matter of urgency.

“Ultimately, the company that owns the building is responsible for its care and future, and we continue to be in dialogue with the them in order to achieve the most positive outcome.”

Read more: Work on restoring Cross Street building begins

As revealed by Blog Preston earlier in October part of the former BHS could become an Asian buffet restaurant with plans lodged for a 400-centre dining area and access via Guildhall Street to the first floor of the building.

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