Fed-up residents have been reassured their concerns will be listened to as work continues on a new independent-living complex in the city.
Those living in Dovedale Avenue in Ingol say they have seen mud caked on the road, trucks speeding down their street and noisy weekend working by contractors.
Work began in April this year on the three-storey block which will have 60 affordable extra-care apartments.
Lynn Fahy, who has lived in the area for more than 15 years, said: “There’s been lorries blocking people in their drives.
“It’s become a horrible place to live while they’ve been doing this work and we’re all really fed up.
“We’ve spoken to Gateway and to our local councillor and they need to ensure they are being stricter with those doing the work. They just don’t seem very considerate to those who live here.
“I think everyone understands you can’t make an omelette without breaking eggs but this is too much.”
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Ingol councillor Pauline Brown said she was sure Community Gateway would resolve the issues.
She said: “I have had complaints and have passed them over to the appropriate person at Gateway. We do expect the developer to treat residents with due care and respect.When there have been problems in the past with this development I have found that Gateway have responded fairly quickly to sort things out. I will, of course, be keeping a close eye on how things progress.”
Head of asset management Lee Garry said: “Our newly-named Oakbrook Gardens development on Dovedale Avenue in Ingol will be the first Independent Living Scheme in Preston, providing much-needed accommodation.
“Once complete, Oakbrook Gardens will become a key part of the community, with facilities including a hairdressers and café open to all local residents in the area.
“Whilst work is ongoing, we appreciate that there may be some disruption, but we are doing what we can to minimise the impact on local residents. We have raised residents’ concerns with the contractor, Cruden Construction, and are working closely with them to mitigate and resolve the issues which have been brought to our attention.
“Designated site staff will continue to clear the road of mud and debris on a daily basis, and at the end of each day the road will be mechanically brushed if required. Construction staff will be reminded of the Dovedale Avenue 20mph speed limit.
“A third resident newsletter will be produced by Cruden Construction this month providing an update on site progress. CGA will work closely and liaise where applicable with residents facing the site to sanction any future weekend working should it be necessary.
“We are committed to keeping an open dialogue with members of the community and hearing your feedback. We encourage anyone with any comments or concerns to contact CGA in the first instance on 0800 953 0213.”
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The flats, once finished, will be let principally to those aged 55 and over and in need of a degree of care.
Watch below a timelapse of the work so far
Work is due to finish in 2020.