
Polish supermarket allowed to continue alcohol sales

Posted on - 10th September, 2018 - 12:00pm | Author - | Posted in - Fishwick, Politics, Preston News
Food Plus - the new name for Krakow in New Hall Lane Pic: Blog Preston
Food Plus – the new name for Krakow in New Hall Lane Pic: Blog Preston

A mini-supermarket blamed for a rise in anti-social behaviour and street drinking in Fishwick has been allowed to keep selling booze.

Krakow – Eastern European Delicatessen – in New Hall Lane was pulled before councillors to defend its ability to keep its licence.

Lancashire County Council’s Trading Standards department had asked for the licence to be revoked, and had been supported by Lancashire Police.

Eden School for Boys, which is opposite the shop, had also submitted statements about the street drinking in the small benched area facing London Road and Rosebud car park.

The benches where street drinkers congregate
The benches where street drinkers congregate

Councillors decided Krakow, which has now changed its name to Food Plus, should be allowed to continue selling alcohol.

Trading Standards submitted evidence showing ten incidents of illegal sales of tobacco at the premises between 2015 and 2017.

Preston City Council’s environmental protection team submitted evidence about how the shop was partly responsible for littering and anti-social behaviour around the area.

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Councillors on the city council’s licensing sub-committee said they were very concerned about criminal activity but also noted the current licence holder had only taken control of the premises in April 2018.

Forrest Solicitors, representing Krakow, had argued during the five-hour hearing at the Town Hall on 3 August, the new operator was cleaning up the premises.

Councillors were not convinced the new operator was linked to the previous issues at Krakow.

They set three conditions the store must now follow:

– Any carrier bags used at the premises, of any material, must have displayed thereon the name of the premises and advice to the disposal of litter in the proper manner, in both English and Polish languages.

– Litter inspections must be conducted outside of the premises at regular intervals and a written record of the date, time, name of person conducting the inspection and action taken shall be detailed in a register. The register shall be made available to a police officer and/or an authorised officer for inspection on request.

– Signage written in both English and Polish languages shall be displayed in prominent places within the premises advising patrons that street drinking will not be tolerated and anyone doing so will be refused the sale of alcohol. Any such refusals will be recorded in the refusal register.

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