Vital funding in the run up to winter has been given to help rough sleepers in Preston.
Preston City Council has been given more than £200,000 by the government to tackle homelessness in the city centre.
Working with The Foxton Centre the money will be used to make ‘interventions’ for those sleeping on the streets.
The funding, £204,000, from central government, has to be spent by March next year and will fund the Making Every Adult Matter (MEAM) programme.
Cabinet member for communities and social justice councillor Nweeda Khan said: “This funding boost will enable the council in our commitment to the vulnerable people of Preston, helping them work towards a new way of life and tackle rough sleeping. The strong collaboration between the council, MEAM and other support services including the Foxton Centre, will help build a clear pathway with support and advice for any person in need.”
There are currently 17 registered homeless people in the city, but the winter months see a big surge on demand for services like The Foxton Centre.
Read more: How the city’s Sikh community is quietly feeding Preston’s homeless
Chief executive of the centre Jeff Marsh said: “Having been heavily involved working alongside Preston City Council in the bid for this funding, I am delighted we have been awarded the money.
“It is really exciting and positive news for the city and will help expand our provisions for rough sleepers in Preston. I hope we can continue our already great work to further enhance the help available to the people in need.”
The money will be spent on staffing, support and accommodation with an amount set aside for ‘personalised budgets’ for individuals – to try and keep them off the streets.
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What do you think about the scheme to help the homeless? What more can be done? Let us know in the comments below