
Watch as England fans mark World Cup exit in Church Street

Posted on - 12th July, 2018 - 8:19am | Author - | Posted in - Preston City Centre, Preston News, Videos
Aerial view of the scene in Church Street on Wednesday evening
Aerial view of the scene in Church Street on Wednesday evening

Hundreds of England football fans marked their side’s World Cup run coming to an end with a good-nature celebration in Preston city centre.

Roads were closed off from the second-half onwards and fans spilled out of pub and bars to mark Gareth Southgate’s team’s defeat to Croatia in the semi-final.

A smoke grenade was set off with songs sung and fans dancing and waving England fans.

Preston Police have not reported any major incidents following the defeat on Wednesday (11 July) evening – with a few arrests for drunk and disorderly behaviour only.

Read more: A new England World Cup song performed by Penwortham teachers

The Church Street celebrations followed raucous scenes in both Friargate and Church Street after the last 16 and quarter-final victories over Colombia and Sweden.

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