
Watch as England fans in Preston spill onto city centre streets to celebrate

Posted on - 7th July, 2018 - 9:02pm | Author - | Posted in - Preston City Centre, Preston News, Roads, Transport
Fans on shoulders in Friargate celebrating the England win
Fans on shoulders in Friargate celebrating the England win

Preston city centre ground to a halt during Saturday tea time as England fans celebrated their team’s victory.

Gareth Southgate’s side secured a 2-0 victory over Sweden to move into the semi-finals of the World Cup in Russia.

Church Street and Friargate traffic was stopped as hundreds of football fans leapt for joy in the summer sunshine.

Traffic cones were held aloft in Church Street near the junction with Lancaster Road, as the sound of ‘It’s Coming Home’ rang out loud and clear.

On Friargate smoke grenades were let off as fans revelled in England’s first semi-final appearance being booked since Italia 90.

Read more: Watch a new World Cup song performed by Penwortham teachers

The scenes were all good natured and quickly dispersed.

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