If you’ve been taking a stroll through Haslam Park recently you might have noticed something peculiar about the brook.
Members of the public have noticed how the brook, in Ashton, has been turning to a brown colour.
Originally, the brook was running with clear water.
Now, due to a problem with a water supply pipe, the brook has become polluted and has caused the water to turn brown.
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The Environmental Agency say that they expect there to be ‘no lasting impact’ to the brook.
A spokesperson for the Environmental Agency said: “The Environment Agency were made aware of the pollution after being alerted by United Utilities of a problem with a water supply pipe.
“We expect there to be no lasting impact to the brook.
“We encourage anyone who sees pollution occurring or its impact to call our 24-hour incident hotline on 0800 80 70 60.”
Have you noticed the brook in Haslam Park turning brown? What do you think? Let us know in the comments below