
How you can build your dream home at Preston’s new Waterside development

Posted on - 14th July, 2018 - 9:05am | Author - | Posted in - Arts & Culture, Cottam, Housing, Preston News
Model Village? is coming to Cottam Pic: The Expanded City
Pic: The Expanded City

Prestonians are being invited to play at building their dream home at the new Waterside development in Cottam.

Artist Emily Speed will be creating a temporary model village at the housing development, and free drop-in sessions will allow local people of all ages to take part.

Participants will be able to play with coloured clay to build their ideal home, and make their mark on the village by creating, extending, squashing or customising its buildings, trees, parks and streets. Or they can simplyĀ takeĀ a look at the village and have a chat about what makes a good place to live, play and socialise in.

Read more:Ā St Joseph’s Orphanage redevelopment is announced

TheĀ drop-in construction sessions will takeĀ placeĀ at the Waterside development off Cottam Way, PR4 0EP, at the following times:

  • Saturday 14 July, 10am – 3pm
  • Monday 16 July, 4pm – 5.30pm
  • Tuesday 17 July, 4pm – 5.30pm
  • Wednesday 18 July, 4pm – 5.30pm

The completed village will be available to view on Friday 20 July between 11am and 5pm, and Saturday 21 July from 11am to 3pm.

The initiative – called Model Village? – isĀ partĀ of In Certain Placesā€™ The Expanded City project, which is a three-year programme of artistic research, interventions and events, designed to inform planned infrastructure projects on the outskirts of Preston.

Read more:Ā Preston Bus Station grand reopening after revamp

The programme in turn is partĀ of Prestonā€™s City Deal, a central government scheme that also includes the creation of new roads, amenities, and over 17,000 houses.

Will you beĀ going along to build your dream home? Let us know in the comments below.

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