
A Costa drive-through could be coming to Fulwood

Posted on - 29th June, 2018 - 12:00pm | Author - | Posted in - Business, Food & Drink, Fulwood, Greyfriars, Preston News, Sharoe Green
Artist's impression of the Eastway development
A Costa drive-through is proposed for the Eastway development

A Costa drive-through could be one of the first arrivals at the new mini-retail park in Fulwood.

A planning application has been lodged by agents Cassidy + Ashton as part of the 7,000 square metre site at Eastway, which received planning permission in 2016.

If approved, the drive-through would be situated at the roundabout at Oliver Place and Eastway.

The application – which can be viewed on the Preston City Council website – includes details of the location, appearance and layout of the proposed 1,354 square metre structure.

With opening hours stated as Monday to Friday 7am to 7pm, the drive-through would create the equivalent of 15 full-time jobs.

Read more: Eastway retail park moves a step closer to construction

It would be the second Costa drive-through to come to the city, after the unit at Queens Retail Park opened in 2017.

Eight retail units are expected at the Eastway site, including an Aldi, a gym, and a number of drive-in food outlets, alongside a 329-space car park.

Would you make use of a Costa drive-through at Eastway? Let us know in the comments below.

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