
Here’s how many motorists have been caught by London Road cameras

Posted on - 25th May, 2018 - 7:00am | Author - | Posted in - Preston City Centre, Preston News, Roads, Transport
Average speed camera in London Road
Average speed camera in London Road

More than a year on from average speed cameras being introduced along a stretch of road from Preston city centre to Walton-le-Dale more than 9,000 motorists have been caught.

Figures released to Blog Preston by Lancashire Police under the Freedom of Information Act show the number of drivers caught has begun to fall.

Initially 900 drivers-per-month were being caught flouting the 30-mph speed limit along the London Road route.

The fines sent out by will have netted more than £900,000.

A total of 9,210 drivers were caught exceeding the speed limit between 23 March 2017 and 15 May 2018.

Read more: Crash on London Road after driver falls asleep at the wheel

Under the figures released it shows the highest speed recorded during that period was by one motorist doing 66mph. Another four motorists were caught doing more than 60mph.

The chart below shows the month-by-month breakdown of the speed notices being issued:

Read more: New brightly coloured speed cameras out and about across Preston

Lancashire Road Safety Partnership’s Rhiannon Leeds said: “We are delighted to see a significant decrease in the number of motorists detected exceeding the speed limit following the installation of the London Road Average Speed system last year.

“There is a large volume of traffic that uses this route and almost 100% of motorists are obeying the speed limit. We’d like to thank the motorists who have helped to make London Road safer for all road users and residents in that area.”

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