
New lamp post banners to line key Preston routes

Posted on - 14th February, 2018 - 7:00am | Author - | Posted in - Business, Preston City Centre, Preston Council, Preston News, What's On in Preston
How one of the lamppost banners may look in Friargate
How one of the lamppost banners may look in Friargate

Dozens of banners will hang from lamp posts to let Prestonians know what’s happening in the city in a new scheme.

Preston City Council, the University of Central Lancashire and Preston Guild Hall are teaming up for the scheme.

The banners will run along London Road, Fishergate, Friargate, Corporation Street, Fylde Road, Blackpool Road and Adelphi Street.

They will be used to promote big events in the city and mark key anniversaries or moments such as the Markets opening.

Communications and marketing manager for the city council Shirah Bamber said: “Done well, lamp post banners can be an excellent way to both dress the city and highlight to residents and visitors some of what Preston has to offer.

“We are pleased to be working alongside key partners, the University of Central Lancashire and Preston Guild Hall, for this pilot scheme. Sharing the cost and working together on style and message makes this an affordable endeavour.”

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The contract for putting up the banners and managing them has been awarded to the Bay Media Group.

It is being co-funded by the three institutions at a total cost of around £15,000.

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They have applied for planning permission to attach the lamp post banners – a total of 61 – to the key routes across the city.

What do you think of the banners plan? Let us know your views in the comments below

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