
Halal meat in schools question posed to Preston parents

Posted on - 8th February, 2018 - 7:00am | Author - | Posted in - Politics, Preston News, Schools
Stunned or un-stunned? There's a question around what type of halal meat should be provided in schools Pic: crosathorian
Stunned or un-stunned? There’s a question around what type of halal meat should be provided in schools Pic: crosathorian

Preston parents are being asked for their views about halal meat in schools.

Lancashire County Council currently supplies non-stunned halal meat to 27 schools who cater for around 12,000 students.

The students pick from either non-halal or halal menus.

School governing bodies retain the option to provider either stunned or non-stunned halal in their school meals.

The contract to provide non-stunned halal meat came up for renewal last year and the council agreed a resolution not to provide meat, other than poultry, to council council establishments unless animals are stunned before they are slaughtered.

Read more: Halal restaurant MUMU Steakhouse opens in Preston

However, the county council never implemented their proposal and is now running a four-week consultation on the issue.

During the consultation the council will continue to supply halal meat under the terms of the contract which was in place before the resolution being agreed.

The consultation asks people for their views on only providing stunned halal meat to schools rather than the current policy which provides both stunned and un-stunned halal meat.

Leader of the county council councillor Geoff Driver said: “We know people have strong views on this issue and would encourage them to help shape future policy by taking part in this consultation.”

The consultation can be found on the county council website.

What do you think of the policy? Let us know your views in the comments below

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