The Market Tavern has a new team behind the bar – and it’ll be a familiar one.
Meat and Drink Co, run by Jeremy Rowlands and Rebecca Scott, have taken on the lease for the pub in Preston city centre.
In early January this year the former landlord Graham Rowson announced the pub would be closing its doors.
The firm behind the Plungington Hotel and the forthcoming Plau Gin and Beer House in Friargate have stepped in to keep the Market Tavern open.
Mr Rowson, who took on running the pub after a major refurbishment by Star Pubs in September 2016, said trading had been struggling since the Market scheme building work.
He said takings had fallen by more than £5,000-per-week.
Read more: Guild Ale House to open new bar in new Preston Market
Ms Scott said: “The Market Tavern really is a lovely old pub. We don’t intent to change it too much. However as The Market itself has evolved and is about to enter an exciting new phase, then so the Market Tavern is going to evolve with it.
“Drinks will include a greater emphasis on small craft producers, a new range of quality wines and spirits, a small cocktail menu and a range of freshly squeezed juices.
“We really are excited about what the new Market Quarter is going to give to Preston and look forward to getting involved and trying to play our part in the rebirth of this part of Preston City Centre.”
The Market Tavern is expected to see a new menu
Meat and Drink Co have confirmed they will be introducing a new menu with breakfast being served as well as a revamped lunch and evening menu.
They are also proposing a new outside seating area for the summer months linking up with the new Starch House Square the city council wants to create in front of the glazed market hall.
Read more: Here’s all the confirmed traders for the city’s new market
Mr Rowlands has previously been involved in the Continental, The Ferret and The Moorbrook.
The pair have been working on restoring the Plau Inn in Friargate since summer 2014 but no opening date for the gin bar has been announced as work continues.
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