
Fishergate bollard is sent tumbling into the Preston night

Posted on - 20th January, 2018 - 10:39pm | Author - | Posted in - Preston City Centre, Preston News, Roads, Transport
The shared space was funded by the European Union - as outlined on the bollard
The shared space was funded by the European Union – as outlined on the bollard

Preston’s most infamous inanimate object has once again been toppled from its perch.

The Fishergate bollard lay stranded in the cold Saturday night as drivers whizzed by.

Dave Lupton captured the latest plight of the plinth.

The bollard, at the junction of Corporation Street and Fishergate, in the shared space, has seen many cars hit it since it was installed in late 2014.

Read more: Next stage of Preston’s shared space to take shape

The bollard is situated near Debenhams
The bollard is situated near Debenhams

Lancashire County Council had removed the bollards for a while but reinstated them in September last year.

Each time the bollard is sent flying it costs the county council around £349 to repair or replace it.

The bollard ended up half-way down Fishergate Hill and covered in vomit – it was found on Sunday morning.

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