New give-way signs and road markings have been put into a junction in Broughton which has seen dozens of crashes since a change in direction.
Lancashire County Council has confirmed its proposals for £1.85million worth of changes to the centre of Broughton village.
Plans include a separate pavement and cycle track created along Garstang Road (the old A6) and a new controlled crossing giving priority to cyclists and pedestrians.
The county council’s cabinet is to hear the proposals, updated since last approved in April last year, at a meeting on Thursday (18 January).
A new 20mph speed limit has already been introduced in Garstang Road, Woodplumpton Lane and Whittingham Lane.
Read more: Broughton residents find Newsham Hall Lane unexpectedly closed
The work would see the narrowing of roads through the village and the introduction of ‘traffic calming’ features.
Cabinet member for highways and transport county councillor Keith Iddon said: “This package of measures will improve the centre of Broughton, making it a more welcoming place, while also improving walking and cycling facilities, and putting in measures to encourage better driving and reduce unnecessary journeys through the village.
“This work is part of the planning permission for James Towers Way, which has already made a huge difference in the centre of Broughton, where queues have come down and travel times have improved for many people.
“Once we’ve got agreement from the Cabinet for the proposals, it shouldn’t be long until this work can start and we’ll see even more positives for people in Broughton.”
Read more: Work begins on building the Penwortham Bypass
A statement from the county council said they had carried out speed, traffic and CCTV surveys to decide what permanent measures should be taken for the Broughton crossroads – where drivers in Whittingham Lane now have priority from east to west.
Funding for the work comes from the City Deal and was attached to the completion of the James Towers Way – the name for the Broughton Bypass.
What do you think of the proposals? What do you think of the current road layout in Broughton? Let us know in the comments below