
Here’s how many drivers have been caught by the Fishergate bus lane

Posted on - 14th December, 2017 - 12:00pm | Author - | Posted in - Politics, Preston City Centre, Preston News, Roads, Transport
The new signs in Fishergate for the bus lane Pic: Tony Worrall
The new signs in Fishergate for the bus lane Pic: Tony Worrall

Nearly 2,000 motorists have been caught using the Fishergate bus lane during restricted hours.

Penalty notices for £60 have begun landing on doormats since the cameras began issuing fines again from Monday 4 December.

Figures released by Lancashire County Council show 1,924 drivers were caught by the cameras for the bus lane which operates from 11am to 6pm each day.

New signage was installed in Fishergate and surrounding streets – after the cameras had to be switched off following an appeal where an independent inspector ruled the signage was not clear enough.

Six appeals were successful causing the county council to turn off the cameras from April.

Now back on the fines are reduced to £30 if paid within 14-days.

Both Fishergate and Butler Street cameras are functioning.

Read more: Latest change to Fishergate includes a new give-way junction

At the time of the re-introduction of the cameras, cabinet member for highways and transport county councillor Keith Iddon said: “We’re happy if we don’t make a penny from the cameras, as it means that people are doing the right thing.

“There was a significant increase in the number of drivers ignoring these restrictions when we suspended the camera enforcement, which showed that we need additional measures in place. The numbers have come down since we started issuing warning notices, but some people are still choosing to misuse the bus lanes.

“These bus lanes have removed an average of 2,700 vehicles every day from the section between Mount Street and Corporation Street. We know that bus journeys have become more reliable and journey times have reduced.”

Read more: Mothballed tram plan for Fishergate due to be resumed

So far the county council will have made around £115,440 is all drivers pay the full fine.

What do you think about the Fishergate bus lane? Let us know in the comments below

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