
Former Preston mill site looks set to have new homes approved

Posted on - 4th December, 2017 - 7:00pm | Author - | Posted in - Fishwick, Housing, Preston News, Redevelopment, St Matthews

Artist impression of the new homes off Geoffrey Street

Artist impression of the new homes off Geoffrey Street

A step towards more affordable housing in Preston looks set to be taken.

What was land at Manchester Mill between Geoffrey Street and Owtram Street is to be built on.

Mulbury Homes Limited is redeveloping swathes of land in Fishwick and St Matthews.

Former industrial land throughout St Matthews and Fishwick is being brought back into use as smaller housing developments.

Adactus Housing Association is poised to manage the properties once the 1.54 acre site is redeveloped.

Read more: Preston retains consultants to aid city centre redevelopment

If approved 24 houses and ten apartments will be put up – the flats being in a single two-storey building to the north of the site.

Planning officers have recommended the scheme for Geoffrey Street be approved.

They write: “No objections have been received in relation to the proposed development, and the principle of the proposed residential development within a site allocated for residential uses within the development plan is considered acceptable and would support the maintenance of the council’s five year supply of deliverable housing land.”

Read more: Fulwood housing development applies to squeeze in additional homes

Councillors are due to hear the proposals on Thursday (7 December) from 2.30pm at the Town Hall.

Do you live near Geoffrey Street? What do you think of the proposals? Let us know in the comments below

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