
Fishergate bollard has car impaled on top of it

Posted on - 9th December, 2017 - 8:14pm | Author - | Posted in - Preston City Centre, Preston News, Roads, Transport
The scene in Fishergate saw yet another driver hit the bollard Pic: John/catterallwhite
The scene in Fishergate saw yet another driver hit the bollard Pic: John/catterallwhite

The Fishergate bollard has once again seen a car wedged atop of it.

John, returning home to the city, saw the incident unfold around 7.20pm on Saturday (9 December).

The bollards were reinstated a few months ago and the original bollard has taken a tumble since.

This time the bollard looks steady and firm, and the car is stuck on top of it.

Fishergate Bollard has a parody Twitter account which stated: “He’s going nowhere. I’ve got a good grip on his camshaft.”

Read more: Fishergate bus lane fines return

Lancashire County Council has recently introduced a give-way junction between Fishergate and Butler Street to try and solve congestion problems around the railway station.

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