
Group board train at Preston and start transphobic chants

Posted on - 20th November, 2017 - 7:57pm | Author - | Posted in - Crime, Lancashire Police, Preston City Centre, Preston News, Preston Railway Station
Virgin Trains service to London Euston departing Preston
Virgin Trains serviceĀ 

Police have launched an investigation following reports of transphobic and sectarian chants on a train.

The incident happened on Sunday, November 12 on board the 9.45am service from London Euston to Glasgow Central.

A group of five boarded the train at Preston at around 12.50pm and started the chants.

A statement from British Transport Police said: “A group of four men and one woman boarded the service at Preston station at 12.50pm and began singing sectarian and transphobic songs, which included degrading remarks about transgender people, throughout the journey.

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“Officers would now like to speak to anyone who was travelling on the service and witnessed what happened and what was said by the group.”

Anyone with any information can call 0800 40 50 40 or text 61016 citing reference 253 – 12/11/17.

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