A Preston accountancy firm have begun their annual Christmas collection to help The Foxton Centre.
Rotherham Taylor Limited are collecting a range of items for the centre which helps the city’s homeless.
As well as staff pulling together donations the accountants also accept donations to their Preston office from members of the public.
Read more: How you can help ensure Preston children have a Christmas to remember
Preston manager Chloe Greenbank said: “The Foxton Centre carries out vital work with some of the most vulnerable members of our community here in Preston.
“That is why we are delighted to be able to help them through our annual Christmas hamper collection.
“Each year, our clients, contacts and staff have been very generous with the donations they have provided for our hampers and I am sure that this generosity is set to continue this year.”
Read more: The Foxton Centre wins funding from BBC Children in Need
Suggested items for donations include non-perishable food and basic toiletries, including disposable razors, feminine hygiene products and deodorant.
You can donate by calling in to the office at Navigation Business Village at the Docks (PR2 2YP) and any questions email chloe@rtaccountants.co.uk