A dispute over dog fouling in a park near Preston has seen a woman viciously attacked.
South Ribble Police are appealing for information to trace a woman suspected of launching a violent tirade and attack on a fellow dog walker.
Around 10.45am on Tuesday (21 November) the victim entered Cuerden Valley Park via the Sheephill Brow Clayton Brook entrance and was walking her dogs.
A woman, aged around 45, also came in via the same entrance and overtook the victim on the walk.
A short time later the victim highlighted to the offender that one of the dogs had fouled on a walk way and they should pick up their dog’s mess.
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At this point the offender is said to have turned and ‘pointed menagincgly’ at the victim.
A short time later the two women came into contact again. This time police say the offender launched herself at the other woman, grabbing her by the hair, dragging the victim to the floor and then kicked the victim in the ribcage and repeatedly hit her in the head with a dog harness.
Read more: Dog owners face stricter controls in South Ribble
South Ribble Police say they are looking for a white female, aged around 45, slim build with dark brown hair worn with a bobbed style.
She was walking two Spaniel type dogs both white and brown in colour.
She made off in the direction of Lancaster Lane.
Anyone with information is asked to contact PC Armson at Chorley Police station emailing 1995@lancashire.pnn.police.uk quote log number LC – 20171121-0530.