
Broughton crossroads call for action after numerous crashes

Posted on - 30th November, 2017 - 12:00pm | Author - | Posted in - Broughton, Politics, Preston News, Roads, Transport
Broughton crossroads with its new look
Broughton crossroads with its new look

Concerns have been raised about the new layout for Broughton Crossroads after ‘at least 10 crashes’ in the last few weeks.

Lancashire County Council removed the traffic lights and changed the priority of the junction following the completion of the nearby Broughton Bypass.

Chameleon restaurant is situated on the corner of Garstang Road, next to the crossroads, and its owner describes the changes as ‘horrific’.

Owner of the restaurant- bar, Michael Botes, 41, said: “It’s only a matter of time before a fatality. I have seen 17 crashes now, it’s a big problem. If you sat in my office premises for a day, you would see four or five cars drive straight through the crossroads without realising.

“I have rang the council, left messages and haven’t heard anything back. They have essentially turned the traffic lights off. There is no signage to warn drivers, and with the years of planning spent on the bypass, you would have thought that signs would be staggered to inform drivers. We have always relied on the A6. This is a school-boy error. It has been horrific.”

Read more: Here’s why you should never be in the new bus lane at Broughton roundabout

One Broughton resident, Caroline Lane, 38, said the bypass has worked to reduce congestion but seemingly at the cost of safety at the crossroads.

She said: “In my view, the new bypass has been a complete success at easing congestion at Broughton. I have to cross the road four times a day and used to spend anywhere between 20 minutes to 1 hour every day (in total) queueing to get through- this queuing has totally gone for me.

“However, the signage for the north-south bound A6 is completely lacking. People don’t realise as they approach the junction that Whittingham Lane now has priority and that the cars on the A6 have to completely stop. A ‘stop’ sign (rather than give way) would help. Along with more warning signs on the approach, along the lines of ‘warning change of priority ahead’ ‘slow down’.

“I’m no traffic management expert, but you don’t need to be with the number of accidents that have occurred , to realise that it’s not sufficient as it is. I did think that they’d be putting a mini roundabout in, which I think would be much safer but what do I know.”

Read more: New speed limit proposed for Broughton

A spokesman for Broughton Parish Council said: “We are aware of some problems at the Broughton crossroads, and have raised these with Lancashire County Council. We have also suggested some speed control measures in Woodplumpton Lane which would help.”

County councillor for the area George Wilkins said he had passed comments and concerns of Broughton residents onto the county council.

A spokesman for Lancashire County Council said: “We are aware of concerns regarding the recent changes at the crossroads, since the opening of James Towers Way [Broughton Bypass]. We are currently monitoring the situation to consider the issues raised.”

Additional reporting by Olivia Baron

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