Bin collections in Preston are set for a shake-up as the city council look to make further savings.
A two-day cut off for reporting missed bin collections could be introduced, scrap collections from private roads and no longer pick up textiles waste.
Anyone in Preston forgetting to put the bin out will find short shift from Preston City Council who say they can no longer afford to go back and collect it.
The city council say the waste collection service is being reviewed ‘in order to increase efficiency and reduce cost’. It says cutbacks placed on it by central government are to blame.
Prestonians are being asked to complete an online survey with feedback on the proposals.
Read more: Brown bin charges frozen for the year ahead
At the moment you can report a missed bin collection, to any timescale, and the council will come and pick it up after the scheduled day of collection. Missed bin collection reports can come in up to 11 days after the specified date.
A two-day cut off would be introduced, after this the council would not return.
They say this would bring them in line with most other local authorities in Lancashire.
As it stands binmen will return to collect all reported missed bins, no matter what the reason.
The city council says many missed bins are due to residents not placing bins out for collection in time.
No longer return to collect missed bins which are forgotten to be put out.
Around 400 properties have historically received a service where the binmen go up a private road or tracks to collect a bin.
These homes must wheel their bin to a place on the edge of a property located nearest to an adopted or unadopted highways for collection.
The city council says only a small amount of textiles are collected from homes, and that most people prefer to donate used textiles to charities or other organisations.
Read more: Why council tax is going up again in Preston
No more textiles will be collected and the city council will promote the use of independent charity collections.
You can see the full proposals and the survey on the city council website.
What do you think of these changes to bin collections? Will they affect you? Let us know in the comments below or you can email if that’s easier