The number of public toilets when Preston opens its new market is to be reduced – and they will be unisex toilets.
Preston City Council has confirmed the ten toilets in the current Indoor Market is due to be halved.
A new £4million glazed market is due to open in early December under the grade-II listed Outdoor Covered Market.
The city council confirmed the toilets would also be made unisex.
Five toilets are self-contained, one is to be fully accessible and include baby-changing facilities. Each toilet will have a wash basin and hand dryer.
A spokeswoman for the city council said: “We’re all really excited for the new Markets to be finished and open in December. There will, of course, be highly accessible wc facilities available for traders, visitors to the Markets and the public.
“This is a modern solution offering high quality amenities, proportionately sized to the new Market Hall.”
The spokeswoman added: “We do not anticipate there will be a charge for using the toilets.”
Read more: Markets scheme in Preston remains ‘on track’ despite stalling claim
A debate posted in the Preston Past and Present Group has been discussing the proposed new toilets.
Ann Ashworth, who started the discussion, said: “I for one will not be using them.”
Carrie MacKinnon pointed out: “People use unisex ones all the time, planes, trains, etc.”
Nicola Martin said: “I can think of a few places where there’s just a row of toilets for either sex and you just go in any. Lytham, Southport and St Ives just off the top of my head.”
Sarah Lewis said: “No different than having one toilet at home. I had to share with two males for 25 years!”
Read more: Time capsule buried as Preston Markets work continues
Naomi Amber said: “My experience of unisex has always been bad, people pee on the seats and leave their pee in the toilet and yes, I wipe the seat but there’s still pee on it. You need antibacterial spray, water and a cloth to remove those traces. I know not everybody is like this, but it’s still a big thing in situations where people will not be held accountable – AKA not home toilets.
“A lot people generally don’t care if they won’t be challenged afterwards.. if you’re living and sharing a loo you can discuss problems together and build respect but let’s be realistic, that’s not in public. So I’d really hope they’d keep the loos really clean with a cleaner visiting every day but would that happen? Squat over the toilet or hold it until you find somewhere else.”
Paris Jones said: “I don’t like the idea of shared loos, it seems to be like that everywhere now.”
The new market is due to open on Monday 4 December.
What do you think about the proposed toilets? Let us know your views in the comments below