
Garstang Road to be shut through Broughton

Posted on - 6th October, 2017 - 12:00pm | Author - | Posted in - Broughton, Preston News, Roads, Transport

The opening of the James Towers Way doesn’t mean the roadworks in Broughton stop.

Lancashire County Council has announced imminent work on the A6 just to the south of the Broughton crossroads.

Traffic will be forced onto the bypass as Garstang Road is shut to repair a culvert beneath the road.

Roadworks begin from Monday (9 October) and take place south of the junction with Woodplumpton Road/Whittingham Lane near to Broughton police station. The A6 will be closed in both directions at this point.

Cabinet member for highways and transport county councillor Keith Iddon said: “There have been occurrences of flooding on the A6 at Broughton in the past and whilst the county council has carried out some work previously to alleviate the problem, investigations have indicated that improvements to the drainage system are needed. This can only be achieved by closing Garstang Road.

“The work will involve deep excavations to access and repair the culvert.

“This would have been extremely disruptive in the past due to the very high levels of traffic through Broughton, which is why we have delayed it until next week, with the new bypass now being open, and far lower levels of traffic through the village meaning we can get on and do it. We’re keen to do this work as soon as possible to relieve the flooding problems for people in this area before winter when the risk of flooding increases.

“There will of course be some disruption to local traffic needing to access Broughton village and surrounding properties, and we’re sorry for any inconvenience this work will cause, however we hope the new bypass will make the necessary diversion fairly short and straightforward.”

One of the first cars on the new road at Broughton Pic: LancsCityDeal

Roadworks take place until Friday 10 November.

A diversion will be in place via Whittingham Lane and James Towers Way (the bypass).

Read more: Trees to be uprooted on Lightfoot Lane ahead of more roadworks

Preston Bus and Stagecoach will be diverting services during this period.

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