Pupils back to school at Moor Park High School and Sixth Form in Preston have seen some colourful new walls.
The school has seen a major revamp to its corridors and windows with digital wall coverings included as part of the project.
Signs Express have installed thirteen new signs throughout the building in Moor Park Avenue.
It includes stained glass effect window displays and large-scale wallpaper on staircases and corridors.
Read more: Extension work at Moor Park School
Matt Rutlidge from the firm said: “Working in schools is always rewarding and because we worked in the holidays we knew the new wall and window displays would be a big surprise for students.
“We have a lot of experience in the education sector and are equipped to handle the trickiest of briefs.
“At Moor Park School we had to fit a difficult wallpaper installation on staircases, create a stained glass window effect to match the existing décor on new windows and work on some uneven fixing surfaces.
“We have created a signage scheme that will stand the test of time and is very durable.”