
Three Preston teenagers charged in connection with McDonalds disorder

Posted on - 7th August, 2017 - 2:33pm | Author - | Posted in - Crime, Preston City Centre, Preston News

It's becoming a real problem area in the city centre Pic: Tony Worrall

It’s becoming a real problem area in the city centre Pic: Tony Worrall

Police have charged a number of teenagers in connection with disorder outside a McDonalds in the city centre.

Patrols have been stepped up after a string of incidents outside and inside the fast-food restaurant in Friargate.

Preston Police’s PCSO for the city centre Stephen Connolly has posted an update on the ongoing operation.

A 17-year-old boy has been arrested and charged with two public order offences.

A 15-year-old girl has been arrested and charged with a public order offence.

A 16-year-old female has been arrested and charged with assault.

The teenagers cannot be named for legal reasons.

On Monday evening an 18-year-old man was detained in connection with an assault against staff in McDonalds. He was summonsed to court before being released and advised if he returned to the area he would be arrested.

All three have been given bail conditions until the end of August stopping them from entering the city centre, as well as a curfew.

A police spokesman said: “Behaviour like this will not be tolerated and positive action will be taken, we continue to work with McDonald’s in relation to these issues.”

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