
Proposals for former Victorian coach house in Penwortham

Posted on - 2nd August, 2017 - 7:00pm | Author - | Posted in - History, Penwortham, Preston News, Redevelopment
One of the options for the building is to convert it into a tea room
One of the options for the building is to convert it into a tea room

A former Victorian coach house due to be restored to its former glory is in the early stages of having designs planned.

The Friends of Hurst Grange Park coach house are organising a number of pop in sessions to see proposals for the building.

A number of options are on the table for what will happen to the building in Penwortham, which is need of major repair.

More than £15,000 has been secured from the Heritage Lottery Fund to aid the bringing back into use of the 1850 coach house.

It was previously used as a parks maintenance depot but was closed in 1974 and has been empty since.

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Consultants working with the heritage group have come up with a number of new uses for the building.

These will be on display between 11am and 3pm on Saturday 12 August and again from 10am to 12noon on Monday 14 August. The designs will be shown in the old Coach House itself.

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