An appeal to build new homes on the rural outskirts of Preston has been blocked.
Wainhomes appealed to the planning inspectorate about a decision made by Preston City Council’s planning committee.
Councillors had rejected the plans for 45 homes off Garstang Road at Barton.
Lancashire County Council had previously lodged a highways objection to the scheme – but they removed this ahead of the planning appeal.
The second reason for rejection was about how the homes would not make any signficant contribution to the provision of housing supply in the Preston area.
The planning inspector found, during the hearing on 8 August, the development would not be classed as ‘sustainable’ and dismissed the appeal.
Barton Parish Council and more than 60 nearby residents objected to the original proposals from Wainhomes.
Do you live in the area? What do you think of the decision? Let us know in the comments below