
Man jailed for raping Preston woman after night out

Posted on - 28th July, 2017 - 2:10pm | Author - | Posted in - Crime, Preston City Centre, Preston News
Mohammed Mukhtar Mahmoud
Mohammed Mukhtar Mahmoud

A man who raped a woman after she had enjoyed a night out in Preston city centre has been jailed.

Mohammed Mukhtar Mahmoud, 29, was described as ‘predatory’ by Preston Police for his actions.

Mahmoud followed the woman during the incident in April last year.

The 24-year-old Preston woman, who cannot be named for legal reasons, had been on a night out with friends when she became separated from them.

She left a nightclub around 3am and CCTV pictures showed her being watched and then approached by Mahmoud.

Mahmoud is seen watching the woman from the door of a takeaway
Mahmoud is seen watching the woman from the door of a takeaway
CCTV shows the victim being approached by Mahmoud near the Waterstones bookshop
CCTV shows the victim being approached by Mahmoud near the Waterstones bookshop

He ushered her into a taxi, taking her back to his home in Osborne Street, off Fishergate Hill, where he raped her.

He was sentenced at Manchester Crown Court to eight years in prison – following a two week trial at Preston Crown Court in June where he was found guilty of two counts of rape.

Read more: Sex workers robbed pensioner on his way home from night out

Detective Inspector Martin Pearson who lead the investigation said: “Mahmoud acted in a predatory fashion, and it was clear from both CCTV and witness accounts that the victim was clearly under the influence of alcohol to the point where she was incapable in any way, shape or form, able to consent to any sexual activity.

“I am pleased that the judge has seen fit to issue him with a significant sentence, in my opinion, he is a very worrying and dangerous individual who I am glad to say is now off the streets of Preston.

“Fortunately, the victim had the confidence to come forward and report what had happened to her and I genuinely hope that this sentence has provided some closure for her. I hope it also reassures anyone else that we will seriously investigate any reports made to us and do all we can to bring offenders to justice and get them off our streets.”

How to report a rape or sexual offence

To report a rape or sexual offence ring 101 or use 999 if you feel you are in immediate danger.

If you feel unable to report it to the police straight away, tell someone you trust. You can speak to your GP or you can also self-refer to the SAFE Centre, a specialist unit at Preston Royal Hospital. They can offer counselling and support and can be contacted on 01772 523344.

If you have been a victim of crime, whether recently or in the past, Lancashire Victim Services are also here to help. They provide emotional support, information and practical help, regardless of whether you have reported the crime to the police. All their services are free and confidential – call 0300 323 0085.

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