More details have emerged about whether temporary traffic signals are being put on the A6 at the M55 junction.
Broughton Bypass construction is continuing ahead of the delayed road being opened in early 2018.
Lancashire County Council had stated it was likely they were going to be using temporary lights in the coming weeks.
Read more: Latest update on the Broughton Bypass work
Graeme Leathard from the county council’s highways department said: “The latest Broughton Bypass update included a mention of possible temporary traffic signals close to the M55 junction.
“We included this in the update, so that people would be aware, although no definite arrangements have been made at this stage.
“Since the update was written, it’s now looking unlikely that these will be needed. But if they are required then we’ll give people notice of the work, which is only likely to take place off-peak to reduce the impact on the A6 and people’s journeys.”
Broughton Bypass is not due to be completed until early 2018 – nearly a year behind schedule.