
Fire crews rescue man from New Hall Lane flat

Posted on - 27th July, 2017 - 10:15pm | Author - | Posted in - Deepdale, Fishwick, Preston News
Firefighters were in New Hall Lane during Thursday evening Pic: Google
Firefighters were in New Hall Lane during Thursday evening Pic: Google

A man was rescued from a flat in Deepdale following a fire.

Firefighters entered the flat in New Hall Lane on Thursday evening.

Neighbours called 999 as smoke billowed from a kitchen fire around 8pm.

Two crews from Preston and one from Penwortham attended.

They rescued the man who was suffering from the effects of breathing smoke and he was treated at the scene by paramedics.

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Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service said: T”he fire was burnt food on a cooker hob and had self-extinguished without spreading, but had generated a lot of smoke nevertheless, which firefighters extracted using a portable fan unit.”

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