
What the railway line work noise sounds like in Preston

Posted on - 3rd June, 2017 - 7:00am | Author - | Posted in - Ashton-on-Ribble, Lea, Preston News, Transport
The piling process will take place for a number of weeks
The piling process will take place for a number of weeks

These are the banging sounds keeping Preston residents who live backing onto the city’s railway line to Blackpool awake at night.

Network Rail has begun piling work along the line and many in Lea, Savick and Ashton are experiencing sleepless nights.

Blog Preston readers have been venting their fury although being told in advance the work was taking place – they were not given a steer on which nights.

During the early hours of the morning the process known as piling, where huge steel poles are drilled into the ground for the electrification of the Preston to Blackpool line, makes people’s homes shake and they can’t sleep with the windows open in the warm weather.

Cheryl Kingbrooks in Lea sent us the clip of the noise she is experiencing.

She said: “This is actually quiet compared to what it’s like when they are right at the back of your house.

“I would say it is 100 times worse. This clip was when they must have been a mile away or so.”

Consultation events are being held with those along the railway line but the work has started before the information evenings – leaving many angered they were not given the chance to ask questions before the work began.

Kate Robertson said: “How is this allowed? They should be paying our employers for holidays to catch up on sleep the day after at the very least.

“More meetings in a couple of weeks, I will be there.”

Tulketh ward councillor Peter Rankin and leader of Preston City Council said: “As others have said it’s an absolute disgrace to hold these meetings after the work has started. Arrogant.”

When are the information evenings?

Monday 19 June from 4pm to 7pm at Ashton Methodist Church, Wellington Road, Preston, PR2 1BU

Tuesday 27 June from 2pm to 6pm at Blackpool North station, Talbot Road, Blackpool, FY1 2AB

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