
Riversway Roadrunners are holding their first 10k race

Posted on - 19th June, 2017 - 7:00pm | Author - | Posted in - Preston News, Riversway, What's On in Preston

Riversway Road Runners

Riversway Road Runners will be hosting their first official 10k road race in September.

The group, who have been running for 9 years in total, are based out of DW Gym on Preston Docks.

Their 10k roadrace will be taking place from The Clog & Billycock Pub, the race HQ, at 10am.

The route, which is mainly flat in the first half but becomes challenging in the second half, will follow Billinge End Road and circle round until meeting at the finish point where the race began.

All finishers will receive medals and prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd male and female runners.

Riversway Road Runners

A member of the Riversway Road Runners has a close affiliation with the brewery that run the Clog and Billycock pub, so they will be supplying free beer at the end and have designed a pump badge in dedication to the race.

Peter Manning of the Riversway Road Runners said: “The Riversway Road Runners is a Preston club with about 30 members.

“It’s an extremely friendly group of all ages and abilities, meeting on Tuesday evenings at DW Fitness Gym on Riversway Docks.

“We also have a Thursday evening club and Saturday runs which tend to be slightly longer distance.

“Everyone is welcome, please pop down on a Tuesday evening or contact us for more information.”

Riversway Road Runners

The run takes place on Saturday 2 September 2017.

You can get in touch with the Riversway Road Runners by following them on Facebook or Twitter.

If you would like to take part in the race, you can sign up by visiting the online website before 31 August 2017.

Will you be taking part in the Riversway Road Runners 10k? Do you have any upcoming races in Preston? Let us know in the comments below

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