
Plant capable of causing burns being cut down at Preston park

Posted on - 30th June, 2017 - 10:54am | Author - | Posted in - Avenham, Parks, Preston City Centre, Preston News
The plant, seen on the left with the white flowers, can cause burns
The plant, seen on the left with the white flowers, can cause burns

A plant capable of causing severe skin rashes and burns growing next to a children’s playground in Preston is being removed.

Preston City Council’s parks officers are in attendance at the playground near Avenham Park to cut back the cows parsnip.

A concerned parent contacted Blog Preston after seeing the plant growing near the gate to enter the playground.

The playground, just past The Boulevard, is well-used by families in the area.

Read more: Toxic giant hogweed found growing by the River Ribble

Catching yourself on the plant, which is similar to giant hogweed, can cause burns and severe skin reactions.

A close-up of the cows parsnip seen growing in Preston
A close-up of the cows parsnip seen growing in Preston

The city council’s parks department has been deployed to cut it down.

A council spokeswoman said: “We appreciate when the public reports this to us, as they most likely see it before we do. This is one of the many jobs the Parks team’s list for today.”

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